Yardley Automobile Accident Attorney

Lower Makefield automobile accident attorney John M. Kenney is a knowledgeable legal advocate with over 30 years experience making personal injury claims. Having successfully tried or settled hundreds of automobile accident cases, John knows first-hand just how costly auto accidents can be. Putting the important emotional and psychological damages aside for a moment, there are real, quantifiable statistics that pinpoint just how much a person has at stake when they suffer even a minor injury in a Lower Makefield automobile accident .

In 2015, over 40,000 minor injuries were sustained by those involved in automobile accidents in Pennsylvania at a total cost of over $300 million. That figure breaks down to approximately $7,500 for a simple minor injury such as a broken arm or leg. Moderate injuries, in which there were 12,500 in 2015, accounted for almost $1.2 billion in total costs, translating to about $95,000 per incident. An example of a moderate injury is one to an internal organ that might require surgery. The cost of major injuries to those injured was over $4.3 billion dollars. A major injury could be a loss of a limb, loss of eyesight or paralysis. Finally, injuries that included death, 1,200 occurrences in 2015, cost the families of the deceased almost $8 billion dollars or in other words, about $6.5 million per death!

As you can readily ascertain without getting too bogged down in the minutia of statistics, a person can easily be financially ruined by an automobile accident and if you are injured in one, or have had a loved one killed the law office of John M. Kenney is at the ready, awaiting your phone call, to help you to get the monetary compensation you deserve.

Client Reviews

John was able to help us with an emergency with my dad, we needed a poa ASAP, he drew up the paperwork and even came to the hospital to meet and witness what he needed to. Ge was personable to my dad and explained everything to him and us. Definitely recommend him to anyone, he gets the job done...

John Killgore

I thought I could handle my divorce by completing all my forms on my own. Well, I was wrong and the courts couldn't tell me what I did wrong. After 2 years of going back and forth trying to figure out what I did wrong, I decided to hand it over to a professional/lawyer. I found John on a Google...

Joanna Kane

Mr. Kenney provided me with top notch service within a very in small window to represent me. Mr. Kenny represented me in a very complex custody case in the state of PA. Mr. Kenny was very knowledgeable, patient, attentive, assertive, reliable, and has a great reputation. I would strong recommend Mr...

April Harrison

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