Langhorne DUI Attorney

Challenging Police Procedures

As an experienced and knowledgeable Langhorne DUI attorney, John M. Kenney has been serving DUI clients since 1983. Mr. Kenney has extensive experience representing clients who have been charged with DUI and gives straight forward, down-to-earth legal advice pertaining to your DUI defense options. Being charged with DUI in Langhorne Pennsylvania is a serious offense that cannot be taken lightly. You need to immediately employ an aggressive defense from the time you are arrested to ensure that your rights, freedoms, and privileges to drive are protected and preserved.

While no two DUI cases are the same, there are certain procedural issues that we need to investigate from the time of your arrest. The first line of defense is to determine whether or not the police acted properly and within the scope of their authority when they pulled you over, required field sobriety testing and when you were arrested. The police sometimes overstep their authority or cut corners in many areas of DUI suspicion and arrest.

Reasonable Suspicion and Probable Cause

The first question we need answers to is, “did the police have a “reasonable suspicion” that you had committed a crime or traffic violation when pulling you over”? The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution protects individuals against unreasonable searches and seizures and a police officer needs to have had a “probable cause” to warrant arresting you and charging you with a DUI. The officer had to have a reasonable cause to pull you over in the first place as well.

Miranda Warnings

Did the police officer read you Miranda Warnings? Miranda warnings are your rights such as having the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney. If Miranda warnings were not read to you, we could attempt to have any self-incriminating statement that you have made to the police suppressed.

Breath Test Machine Calibration

Many DUI arrests are dismissed by judges in Langhorne Pennsylvania every year because of inaccurate breath test results. Breath test machines need to be recalibrated regularly and it needs to be proven in writing in the form of a log that this calibration has recently taken place.

These are just a few of the many areas where a knowledgeable and experienced Langhorne DUI defense attorney will challenge the police procedures surrounding your arrest. Call Langhorne DUI Lawyer John M. Kenney for a free DUI arrest consultation: (215) 547-3031. There is no cost or obligation.

Client Reviews

John was able to help us with an emergency with my dad, we needed a poa ASAP, he drew up the paperwork and even came to the hospital to meet and witness what he needed to. Ge was personable to my dad and explained everything to him and us. Definitely recommend him to anyone, he gets the job done...

John Killgore

I thought I could handle my divorce by completing all my forms on my own. Well, I was wrong and the courts couldn't tell me what I did wrong. After 2 years of going back and forth trying to figure out what I did wrong, I decided to hand it over to a professional/lawyer. I found John on a Google...

Joanna Kane

Mr. Kenney provided me with top notch service within a very in small window to represent me. Mr. Kenny represented me in a very complex custody case in the state of PA. Mr. Kenny was very knowledgeable, patient, attentive, assertive, reliable, and has a great reputation. I would strong recommend Mr...

April Harrison

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